Monday, September 27, 2010

Dating with Scam Alert

It has been brought to my attention recently, women and men out there; Heads Up! This might not necessarily make your hair on the back of your neck stand. To me, this is wild and wooly! I listen to CoasttoCoastam and their stories make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I woke up this morning and decided, my countrymen and countrywomen better know what I am about to expose.

Suggesting love or soulmate, there ARE a lot of us who are plain bored or lonely looking for something ideal. Online, seems to be the place even for this... the caveat emptor applies here as well as any other consumer product that might make its way out to the general public. Having been given a 72 hour free trial with that would allow me the freedom to contact some I might find an interest or compatibility, thought I would see for myself.

This caveat emptor affects our borders. It is not just the 'fence' and the 'border war' with Mexico. Apparently, along with finding ways to get into our country there are ways to get in besides our jobs or benefits like green card and citizenship. The scam involves our hearts. It pulls on our emotions if we fall for someone hard. We can do this heart and soul. For many of us, we need the security of a relationship with some one. Whether, we decide to live with them or not eventually, that is an individual choice or lifestyle.

There is a telltale way of knowing whether or not these are 'African'- continent born invaders from Nigeria or Ghana. They have got as far as France, UK and Canada but they are corresponding to you and you might not even realize it. You are helping them in one way or another financially. There is a heartbreaking disaster or illness of some kind that mysteriously arose and it made its way by pen or text to you.

I can tell you, there is a pattern depending on how extravagant they are living. You might not be the only one supplying their designer clothes lifestyle. The supply is never ending online of people willing to give up their hard earned money for being a 'humanitarian'. In the King's English there are proper ways of writing. Be careful; its getting harder to tell who you ARE actually dealing with. Think with your heart and not your head, will always get you in a world of trouble. Keep your emotions in check when dealing with people online. You never know, really.

You might live on a fixed income or you have money to spare. Please don't fall for the sad stories abroad. They will be back in the United States in a couple days. They have a great looking picture, say the right things and have a secure or impressive job. What do they say about flattery? It will get someone any where.

The 'homeland security' is not going to do its job if we don't help protect what we have. We are about ready to lose it all. Read between the lines if you must and hold it to heart. Incredible as it sounds, they can even type faster than you sometimes and can come up with incredible responses. Its because they have a script already prepared in some cases. Be very suspicious if you must. We are at war. This is a very serious situation whether any of us realize it or not.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

1st Year's Anniversary of People Profiting Together Through Advertising

As Summer winds down and kids are back to school its good to be able to have something to do with our time and profit from it. Of course, the latter is a plus... profiting from it.

Personally, I like to stay busy and rarely idle. It really bites to be bored. I'm very lucky to have found my niche and enjoy every aspect of what I do.

Advertising has become a part of our daily lives. We use it when we brand our self, also. I guess one can say, business has its ways of creeping its way into our lives.

Getting back to profiting from advertising. Recently, a group of less than 25(allowable group size), was started on Skype, called, PPT Enterprise the Opportunity Leaders Group. In the Group's Header Title it reads(Please do not spam the group with any links but get the ok of the admin 1st--- THANK YOU ) PLEASE INVITE YOUR PROGRAM CEOS. So, the group is very cohesive, everyone knows their job and works at their own pace.

Ground rules of the group simple but to elaborate more, In order to post a link in the group's room and post it for everyone to see, these guidelines were put in place and understood. Posting requires at least, a personal testimonial to the making of money. Secondly, the requirement of proof by submitting the copy of PayPal or AlertPay (any payment processors) showing payment, so everyone knows about it.

The group works well together among all the team members. They realize it is to be positive and upbeat as well as professional with their netiquette as well as when in live conference chat. People Profiting Together Through Advertising is fondly referred amongst the team members as PPT, for short.

It's great to work with a team. There are so many pluses and advantages for doing so. The weaknesses of one team member, for one--- is the strengths of another team mate. The team is cohesively strong and the learning is continuous because of the good and cooperative nature of the team members. Excitement really builds when a member gets to where they have built a down line under them. Cashout is at the beginning of every month after the request for payout is initiated by the qualified member. One member got a commission from a member in his immediate down line under neath him in placement, that paid a full year of their pro membership, a year in advance.

People Profiting Together Through Advertising is looking to fill the gap, and help the unemployment situation, providing jobs worldwide. If you or you know anyone that might need work and to have a family type atmosphere to work in; have them contact Frederick Combs in Theodore, Alabama via (free member to member) Skype and download it free, do a search in contact list for him or myself, tntess. Tess Anderson is in Jefferson City, Tennessee. They will either one be happy to get your business started or flying; whatever the need. Exposure is essential.

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