Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Beautiful, Beautiful, Thankful Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving comes to us by tradition once a year.  Most of us, that have never had to worry about working through a holiday as such, with any kind of Seniority on a job and that kind of thing, are fortunate to be able to be surrounded by family and friends.  We are thankful for every handful of grace and bounty.

I wasn't sure I really liked autumn all the smells so familiar.  I never liked winter.  It appeared dead, dark and bleak with no color.  Being a positive thinker, I had to correct this mindset.  When I was walking my sweet little Pekingese in the yard, I could smell things that brought me back to childhood days, romping through piles of leaves; looking at the bright lime green moss on the ground, brought to mind lots of creative things.  One was how I could make a terrarium in an old glass wine jug with assorted foliage.  Under the right conditions, it would in a self-contained environment grow and propagate itself.  A wonderful thing of beauty just from nature there for as long as the container itself stays intact.

I started to write this intending on saying how wonderful it is to be thankful year round, not just one day, not one moment.  Thankfulness and gratitude is a mindset.  It is part of the "Secret".  We cannot prosper, without a grateful mindset.  When I wake up in the morning, I like to thank our creator for letting me get a good night of rest and keeping me safe from harm as I did so.  I begin to pray for my family and my World family, Leaders and Lawmakers who have us at their mercy. 

Before we can get more of the same kind of blessings, we need to show the gratitude we have for what we already have.  There is so much starting with our physical abilities.  The air we breathe, the basics.  When we start there we cannot even find the bottom of where we have been blessed. We have so much to be thankful for.  When we think about it we have nothing to complain about; only praises to whom all blessings flow.  Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours, every day of the year!

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