Sunday, March 16, 2008

What will and can people do?

I'm not sure people have a voice that really speaks for them any more. The people I'm referring to are the 'underdogs'. There are many of us out there. Is anyone really listening??? It seems politics are full of deaf ears and unwilling hands. It's a strange thing to see so many like 'lambs going to the slaughter', without a protest at all. Gas prices get higher, everything else follows!! Gee, When things got bad after the Great Depression there was a president who made the 'New Deal'. Promises of a 'chicken in every pot'. Have people forgotten so easily??? Why aren't they showing how angry they are???!! Or aren't we at our breaking point yet? hmmmm... --- I, for one, am fighting mad!! I want our voice heard through all the rafters of every house or dwelling place. I want the bells in churches to ring, in alarm!! It's a disgrace and injustice to the American Dream!! All talk and no action! Jobs could be created in droves, if whoever is in high office, could see potential in creating jobs; that first, training people in converting to solar energy, and allowing competition in the workplace for developing more green buildings. Every new home and old should have solar. Wow. I can see that the political arena doesn't know how to feed and clothe their own before helping abroad. Look at what solar energy could do in this country if it was done on a large scale. America should be a model country! One others would envy enough to be more like us and not be how we are hated. My thoughts are shallow and not developed enough, so you see the whole picture as I see it. What do you think? Aren't people forgetting something... ?? We are slowly losing our freedoms. How does it feel to be on 'house arrest' with gas prices so high that 'you're now not free to move about the country.'???

More bad news...
Foreclosures with everyone's pets being left behind, how low can a government stoop so low as to to continue to allow poverty happen right before their very eyes??? Change has to happen not when a new pres gets in; but right now!!

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At March 17, 2008 at 8:18 PM , Blogger ask KL Brown1 said...

It seems that all of the politicians have one thing on their mind, Self Interest! It's all about me, mentality. I can join in with you, they have lost there vision and have cause the "American Dream" to become only a hope. Pride,greed and corruption has replaced self sacrifice,dis-honest and morallity our country. May God have mercy on them and us.
I'm so glad the God is still in control and is working His Plan through the hearts and minds of people, even though it doesn't seem like it at times.
God Bless,
KL Brown

At March 17, 2008 at 9:43 PM , Blogger GFranklin said...

Now that what I'm talking about! You let it go sister, because I feel the same as you do. That's what we need more people speaking from the heart!!! Geart stuff keep it up.

At March 18, 2008 at 6:35 PM , Blogger Coach Gia said...

I'm in agreement, our country has gone from a democracy to fascism!

FREEDOM TO FASCISM: "We the people" have got to take back our government.


At March 18, 2008 at 7:42 PM , Blogger Hank Dunckel said...

Well the only thing to really turn this country around, is go back to the GOLD STANDARD with our money. The World is printing money that isn't worth the paper its printed on and things won't get very much better until we change back to the gold standard.

Hank Dunckel
Google Me Soon LoL


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